Sunday, October 8, 2006


Well, finally did it. Thanks to encouragement and prodding from family, I finally went to a different doctor. I told myself I wasn't going to any "regular" gynecologists anymore. I was tired of being treated like case number 235678......

So, I found this doc that listens to you. Seriously. My first appointment with her was 2 hours long, not counting the blood tests she ordered for me. She really listened to me. She really took the time to see what all was happening in my life and what could be causing the physical problems I was experiencing.

A huge burden has been relieved because somebody took the time to listen to all of the symptoms, and not try to force me into a preprogrammed medication.

I'm looking forward to feeling a huge difference in the next few months. In the meantime, I'm still just so thankful that somebody listened. Really listened.

Perhaps there is someone in your life that needs someone to just listen. Jesus has asked us to be His hands and feet, and minister to those around us in His name. Why not practice the art of listening today?

1 comment:

Trailady said...

I'm SOOOOO glad you are finally able to get this thing sorted out! Here's hoping it will be resolved very soon.

Makes a big difference when someone really listens doesn't it? Even if they don't fix the problem there is relief in being heard.

In health and in spirit, far too often people are ready to give advice and prescriptions without REALLY listening in the first place. This was a thought-provoking post.

I need to be a better listener.