Sunday, May 20, 2007

Merry Heart

So, the Bible says a merry heart works like a medicine. My eleven year old son is determined to give his parents as much medicine as he can!

Michael's wit is growing by leaps and bounds. He has actually left Karl and I with our jaws hanging out at how fast he has come up with some great bits of shredded wit.

Today, Michael was reading me some riddles out of his Ranger Rick magazine and I laughed the hardest at this one.
Q. Why did the deer have to get braces?
A. Because it had buck teeth.

My all time favorite, however, is one that Michael made up himself more than a year ago.
Q. What do you get when you cross a burger and a bee hive?
A. A Honey Bun.

Sure it's just simple childish jokes and laughter, but Jesus said we had to become like little children. Have you forgotten how to laugh? Have you forgotten that Jesus promised us a life of joy, despite the trials and struggles?

Take a moment to remember the last time you really laughed and then imagine the jokes and riddles Jesus must have heard when the little ones sat on His lap and He blessed them. I'm glad Jesus gave us the ability to laugh and smile.

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