Saturday, January 26, 2008

Pear Tree

For worship this evening, Karl asked everyone what was something they were looking forward to about heaven. Since we were at the home of friends who invited other friends as well, we had lots of children to participate. We got amazing answers such as riding on an orca and climbing through the city.

Matthew said he wanted a pear tree of his very own. He loves pears. He devours them! It reminds me of a time I met a neighbor at the grocery store months ago, when we still lived in Arkansas. She was preparing to have her grandchildren visit and she said she was struggling to find foods that she could put on the table without guilt and still be something her grandchildren will eat. I mentioned that as soon as I cut into a pear, my kids come running. Her comment was that my children were raised to enjoy good food.

I nearly laughed, because my kids love pizza and mac and cheese and snack cakes like other kids do, but they have also learned to appreciate the lovely foods that nature has provided. I've heard before that you don't eat what you like, but you learn to like what you have to eat.

Jesus said those who hunger and thirst after righteousness are going to be really blessed because they will get filled up. How hungry are you? Have you tasted lately of the Lord to see that He is good?

1 comment:

David said...

Yes, I am finding Him to be good and only good. I used to think He was mean and rude to the Pharisees, and controlling to His disciples. But He is slowly unfolding before me as a most majestic person. Self-depricating, yet courageous, speaking truth and forgetting the personal danger involved, tears in His voice as He uttered His scathing rebukes.

I used to wonder what Paul meant about the "goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance." I used to wonder about a so-called God of love. When I really put forth the effort to actually see those blessed traits demonstrated, then the character of God began to open up to me, and the Bible came to life like it had never done before.

Shortly after that Trailady introduced me to blogging and I was able to express what I was finding about God's love. Its been a good experience. "Thou wilt show me the path of life. In Thy presence is fulness of joy, and at Thy right hand are pleasures for evermore."