Sunday, April 15, 2007

Don't believe the lie

I was reading this morning about Bible Prophecy Fulfilled. Jesus says He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. That means He was in the beginning and He also knows what happens in the end. God knows the future and in His mercy and loving kindness, He reveals that future to His servants, the prophets.

When we look back on the prophecies in the Bible that have been fulfilled, to the letter, it is absolutely amazing! What accuracy, what detail and what a miracle that it was foretold hundreds and even thousands of years in advance!

Hitler and Napoleon had to come to terms with the fact that Bible Prophecy said their plans would never come to pass for another great world empire. Napoleon eventually saw it and his folly. Hitler grew angry and vowed that God would not get in the way of his plans. But history tells the story, that God predicted thousands of years before.

There are those who mock and scoff when we say we are Christians. They even say things such as we are believing in some kind of fairy tale or myth. Really?

Never give in to the lie that we have nothing to hang our faith on. God's Word and prophecy fulfilled are a sure foundation. God doesn't leave us without any reason for our faith. He merely asks us to exercise it.

We have more than enough of God's power and providence to hang our faith on. Faith is not blind trust. Faith is believing in the promises that are in the future. Promises made by One who has already shown that He keeps His promises. It is not blind faith. It is faith that must hang on through the trials, because in the end that faith will be rewarded because God is faithful.

2 comments: said...

If I'm believing in a myth I'm in trouble, cause I'm betting on it!

Trailady said...

God IS faithful!