Thursday, March 23, 2006


Peace. Wow. Comfort. Wow. Relief. Wow.

All of these things experienced by a neighbor of ours. She's been coming to our house to watch some Bible studies on prophecy, going over satellite television.

The very first program gave peace and comfort to all of us. Yes, there are a lot of conspiracies and problems out there. But we don't have to worry. God tells us what is going to happen and his record so far has been A+, so there's no reason to doubt Him now.

But, Armageddon? How can their be peace in this? I mean, it's all about the middle east, right?

Not what we learned recently. It's the battle for human hearts and souls. Are you going to be on God's side, or Satan's side? The fact that there is a temple rebuilt in Jerusalem or not has nothing to do with you making a decision. Wow! What a relief to know that.

It's quite obvious that Satan has everyone running around like crazy about whether or not the temple will be rebuilt in time. It's called distraction. God is calling our hearts, and Satan is keeping us distracted. Hmmmmm. Sounds like a familiar tactic of his.

I'm so grateful to be learning and studying what God's Word says. I'm grateful that both my neighbor and our family are experiencing the peace of God's Word and truths in our lives.

Do you have that peace? That Shalom?


Fallen Angel said...

Its really beautiful how you can ignore reality. On so many levels.

Of course you have peace. You have your eyes closed.

Your sense of peace can be false just like your sense of honesty. And you can't really have peace until you really have honesty, now can you?

I can't give anyone's words or opinion any credit who will preach to me about how I need to change my life when I know things. Its funny how people judge what you have done and remove their friendship and love because you are "sinning", but when making something right in their own life is too difficult and uncomfortable its not something we need to talk about. Oh no, hush hush.

But Jesus brings peace.

Thats what I was told recently. "Christianity doesn't bring you peace......but Jesus Christ, now thats a different story." You can find it on my blog. Very interesting stuff.

You keep those blinders on Sharon. I'm sure its cozy in there.

(Maybe someday you should ask me what I'm talking about)

Trailady said...

Peace is something few find in this life. Especially if we are Approval Addicts. I'm recovering from that problem. Love & acceptence were witheld from me at home & church unless I acted in certain ways. I quickly learned the "right things" to say & do in order to please. But, I had no peace. Now, I live by conviction- asking questions- investigating truth for myself- instead of just swallowing what's handed to me. I've found that religiosity & churchianity are not the answers. I found a God who loves me, simply because I breathe. He loved me when I was screwed up & rebellious. I've moved beyond that now, but guess what?? He doesn't love me more now than He did when I was smoking. It's not about making myself be perfect. The only way I found peace is to realize it's not all about me. What I think, what I believe, feel, want. It's about something outside myself- a power that I can't control. God IS love & Jesus died defending free choice- that's why I love Him.

Deb said...

Hmmmm.... have been nothing but sweet and encouraging and nice to me since you've been coming and commenting on my blog...i apprieciate your comments there...but on this blog it's like reading a different persons entries. If i didn't know it was you i wouldn't think it was the same person.

Now...i know Sharon and she isn't perfect and she does have blinders on for some issues. i don't know what has transpired between the two of you so i could be missing some very big peice of the puzzle but from the outside looking in it kinda seems to me you are taking out your anger at every "Christian" person who has ever wronged you on Sharon. To me that doesn't seem quite fair.

From reading your other posts i hear you saying that Karl and Sharon told you because you are quiestioning and getting into spells and such they don't want to speak to you? If that is the case i do think they are wrong...because i think you are searching for the truth and God is big enough that He can be questioned and He can take it when you are honestly searching to find the truth.

Now i can really see how it could be very upsetting to be told you are being prayed for. i've had that said to me and i was quite infurriated becuase it was not said in a loving...i want to do everything i can to help you sort of was done in a way that just said...i think you are hopless...and pretty much you are screwed if God doesn't help you sorta way....a way that made me feel this person was sure they were much better than me. needless to say i didn't like that person too much...nor did i think God really liked them praying to Him too much.

Sharon....i love you and you know it! i don't think Barb has been fair to you in her postings...i think there is a lot of stuff going on behind the scenes that i don't see...however i kinda expect you to answer her and explain the misunderstandings she has of you as a shove it down your throat Christian. Did you realize by not responding at all it comes across as you being a "Christian snob"??

You aren't praying for her because you think you are better than her...i believe in my heart because i know you that you are praying for her because she is searching to find peace and truth and you know the struggle that can be....but why haven't you stopped that obvious misunderstanding?'s the middle of the night here folks and i haven't been able to sleep because i've been thinking about you two.

So here is what i want from the two of you....i want you both to try and put yourselves in the other guys shoes and fix this monumental disconnect festering hurt and hate between yourselves. Hurt and they are oppostie of what both of you are FIX this guys...and by the way this is about all the wisdom i can muster in the middle of the night.

Fallen Angel said...

I never meant to put you in the middle of this. I understand now after reading your comment how this must look. But you are missing a big piece of the puzzle. Its not the spells or anything else like that. Its nothing that I've ever talked about online. Sharon actually has been nothing but nice to me. In a way I guess I am taking out frustration on her. I see that now, and if that is what I was doing I am wrong and apologize. However it is more personal than me taking out my anger on just anyone and everyone christian. Something did happen.
To be honest, Sharon probably doesn't even know and doesn't understand my anger at all. I don't even know her. Met her a couple of times. She was very nice. But it is one of the things that got me to the place I am at now, and I am angry.

Its Karl that I guess I should be talking to.

For me its hard to read her blog, knowing things I know. I've stayed quiet a long time. And I think because of everything else that has happened its hard to stay quiet anymore.

I'm not trying to hurt Sharon. I don't even know her. I'm sure she has only heard horrendous things about me. Or nothing - which is worse. Which would actually explain alot.

I did not randomly pick Sharon to persecute. I'm not trying to persecute. I'm angry. And I guess Sharon is in the middle of it without even knowing it.

I think there are alot of issues here. Some are my own demons. I need to resolve them.

Sharon, I appologize if I have attacked you unwarranted. In my mind I have a warrant. Maybe that is where I am wrong.

I'm sorry for talking about you Sharon in the 3rd person on your own blog. I needed to respond to Deb. She is one of my friends now.

There is more than one issue here. And they are all getting mixed up together. I see you, Sharon, as a representation of all the people and beliefs and bad things that have happened. Simply because you have a christian blog. I don't know you. Only because of Karl. I'm sorry if I reacted innappropriately. Secondly, there is another issue. Its not appropriate to display it online. And I'm being generous here. I won't do that. But it is the drive behind any nasty comments I have had.

Sharon did not quit talking to me. Karl did. Because he didn't like some choices I was making in my life. But Karl shouldn't judge when he is just as guilty. When I KNOW that he is guilty. I guess thats where my issue is.

I'm sure Karl is the only one that really knows what I am talking about.

Sharon, if you would like to talk about it, I would be happy to do so. I will not attack you. Please email me if you would like to.

Its probably something really that Karl and I need to resolve. But he has stopped talking to me. If he would like to discuss it, he knows where I am at.

If not, you can go ahead and act like nothing is wrong. Thats your choice. Its your marriage.

Regardless of any of this, I am going to resolve it in my own mind, once and for all. I need to do that, in my heart, for myself.

I love you Karl, even though it doesn't seem like it here. I love you. More than you know. I love your family, because it is YOUR family. But I am angry. Its weird how the two can co-exist in my soul. But they do.

Karl, I hurt you. And now I guess you are hurting me. I shouldn't be so upset I guess. What comes around goes around, right? I know I hurt you, but I never did it in the name of God.

I'm sorry for any hurt I've caused.

I really am striving for peace and harmony in my spiritual journey. Hopefully someday I will achieve it. Or enlightenment. Or whatever it is. My heart hurts that I have caused pain in my attempt to grow. I am sorry.



MovinMan said...

For a number of reasons, until now I had not posted anything on this site. But, I am compelled to do so now.

If there are issues that Barbara needs to work out with me, then she needs to send me an e-mail about them. Whenver I get a personal e-mail I respond. Instead, too often, I find my name on various blogs. If there are personal issues, I will not try to resolve them in such a public way.

Barbara is correct, I am guilty. We all are guilty of doing things we should not have, things we regret. Why suddenly has this focussed on my problems? Don't answer that here. Send me an e-mail. Or maybe I should invite everyone to (Please don't go there. It does not exist and is only shared to make a point.)

I'd really appreciate it if the postings would actually be about the entry and not what seems to be everything but that.


Roseuvsharon said...

Why I didn't respond? As Barb herself eventually said, her issues weren't really with me. How do you respond to something that has nothing to do with you?
My apologies if it came across as being a snob, but I just didn't have anything to say because it didn't have anything to do with me, at least not directly.

Roseuvsharon said...

Blinders, a definition: 1 : either of two flaps on a horse's bridle to keep it from seeing objects at its sides
2 plural : a limitation or obstruction to sight or discernment

From online encyclopedia: A set of blinders, also known as blinkers, is a set of leather straps attached to the bridle of a horse to prevent it from seeing to its side. They are used to keep horses from being distracted or spooked, especially on crowded city streets.

The important thing to realize here when it pertains to horses, is the blinders serve a purpose. That of course is not always the case with humans.

Deb, thanks for saying I'm not perfect. I appreciate that. At least no one can accuse me of trying to be perfect and holier than thou!

However, whatever blinders I have on, are by my choice. All of you have chosen your particular blinders as well. That's okay, it's our choice. The question is, what have we chosen to limit our vision?

I've chosen a relationship with a loving God. I'm okay with that. I hope you all are okay with the blinders you have chosen, because praise the Lord you have the freedom of choice!

I won't condem anyone for their choice. I'm not a judge and jury.

Trailady said...

Wow- so much drama- I had no idea! (I'm saying this tongue-in-cheek to lighten the mood)

Well said, Sharon. Deb I respect you for your intervention- you really stuck your neck out there. Barb, I feel confident that your journey is going to bring healing for whatever happened in the past.
I'm glad to see things are getting resolved. Life is simply too short to hold grudges and be judges.