Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Groveling Cats

It is becoming official. I have a strong dislike for cats.
I won't go so far as to say I hate cats and I certainly wouldn't hurt one, but I strongly dislike them. It is a good thing 70 times 7 doesn't apply to cats because they have nearly reached their limit with me.

Now, I'm sure there are many people who adore cats and think of them as perfect pets. That's fine for them, but cats are going to have to do some amazing things and intense groveling before I even consider taking them off my strongly dislike list.

Where shall I start, there was the cat that started sucking on my mother's neck while she was sleeping trying to get to the milk she had drunk before she went to bed.

There was the cat that purposefully scratched me (by this time I was trying to avoid them) while I was pregnant with Greta.

There were the cats in Arizona that ruined all of our patio furniture and left cat urine running down the windshield of our car.

Then there were the cats that decided to get in a fight right outside our door and begin their screaming and howling that was most unnerving.

Most recently, a cat climbed onto my neighbor's hummingbird feeders and sent them both tumbling to the ground where they promptly broke.

Add to this that cats seem to think they are your prisoner instead of your pet. They don't come running when you call and you never know what kind of mood they are going to be in.

Now, I'm sure someone is going to stand up and say, wait a minute, they are just being cats! Well, that's interesting because it is a dog just being a dog when it bites someone that has intruded upon it's property, but we make laws about dogs. Someone please make a law about cats! No more double standards!

I'm sure there are wonderful cats out there, but somehow, I've mostly been exposed to the rotten ones (the only cat I did like when I was little ran away). Unfortunately, this is the same way many people look at God.

Perhaps they have run into people that claimed to be Christians, but were really full of self, not Christ. Perhaps they were only exposed to painful experiences and have no idea that there is a Savior with a heart full of grace.

I must confess, I've been one of those so-called Christians in the past who was full of self instead of Christ and I had many interactions with people through those years. I can only imagine the number of people I hurt. I pray now that somehow they will meet someone who truly lives the grace of Christ.

Somewhere out there is a nice cat. Somewhere out there is a Christian with a heart for others.


The SSP said...

He, he, he! This post made me laugh!

The only reason I don't like cats is cuz I'm extremely allergic to them.

Don't want 'em around AT ALL!!!


Roseuvsharon said...

Would you believe, my daughter loves cats!

Anytime she sees a cat, she goes crazy with delight.

How come she doesn't remember the distressed kitten that pooped all over her big brother's shirt?

imfreenow.blogspot.com said...

Funny post! And a good analogy!